Obituary of John Carter
It is with sadness the extended family and friends announce the sudden death of John Carter on April 23, 2020 in Barsoom, SK. He is lovingly remembered by his nephew, Edgar Burroughs.
John has lived a well rounded life. He faught in the civil war and was concripted by Colonel Powell to fight for the Union. Though his journey as a soldier, he ended up travelling the world and beyond. He is remembered for his bravery in the war of Zodanga an other battles, where eventually he became the leader of the Tharks. He was a strong man who held honour and honesty in the highest regard.
He will also be remembered by his cousins Billy Batson, Barry Allen, James Howlett, Martin Stein, Ronald Raymond, Donald Blake.
Burial will take place in the family columbarim later this week in a private family service.
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